Robert Sepehr (“The World’s Most Dangerous Anthropologist”) is only 93% European. The guy’s got a lot of good information that helped Me put together a few more pieces to the puzzle BUT he’s not telling everybody the 100% truth. He has nearly 500,000 subscribers on YouTube so you know there’s something wrong (YouTube wouldn’t allow somebody to amass such a large following if they were speaking the 100% truth, like Me).
Robbo is also censoring Me on YouTube for calling him out on his bullshit. I told him that he should listen to the 100 percenters, like Me, and he deleted that comment as well. I’m guessing he doesn’t want all his fans to see that there’s a 100% human in the world who actually knows more than him and isn’t a flaming hypocrite.
Robert voted for Trump which proves that he’s not a “man from Atlantis” as somebody called him. No person from Atlantis votes for any dickhead in this world, especially those who pretend to be on Our side but are in fact just controlled opposition. I’m the real deal, bitch.
Robert talks about Vril (Life Force) and wears a Vril necklace while feasting on rotting body parts which contain no Life Force.
I called him out on the Vril and eating rotting body parts hypocrisy and he deleted that comment.
Robert states that his favourite home-cooked dish is German sauerkraut and ham. No true Atlantean/Aryan eats pig. They’re the dirtiest animals on the planet and full of parasites!
His other YouTube channel is called Atlantean Gardens. He also has an Atlantean Gardens website, both named after the “Garden of Eden”, the biblical paradise described in Genesis 2 and 3 and the place where the first human beings were created.
Why didn’t Robert call it “Atlantean Slaughterhouses” instead since he believes that murder is humane? Also, if rotting flesh was designed for humans to eat then why wasn’t the “Garden of Eden” called the “Slaughterhouse of Eden”?
The name [Eden] derives from the Akkadian ‘edinnu’, from a Sumerian word ‘edin’ meaning ‘plain’ or ‘steppe’, closely related to an Aramaic root word meaning ‘fruitful, well-watered’. Another interpretation associates the name with a Hebrew word for ‘pleasure’; thus the Vulgate reads paradisum voluptatis in Genesis 2:8, and the Douay–Rheims Bible, following, has the wording “And the Lord God had planted a paradise of pleasure”.
Robert thinks that humans murder in paradise and that it is pleasurable.
I spoke at an event in LA last night, made some friends, ended up in a skit for the Jimmy Kimmel show. They asked me about UFOs, I answered with some atomic-level truth bombs about bases in Antarctica and Vril. We had fun, but I would be very surprised if they air it.
If Robert was really dropping “atomic-level truth bombs” then why does he live in Los Angeles and does skits for the Jimmy Kimmel show? Americans, especially in LA, hate the truth!
No true Atlantean wears fucking protective glasses when looking at the shadow that passes over the Sun during an eclipse. That’s right, shadow, not Moon.
“Strange times are these in which we live when old and young are taught falsehoods in school. And the person that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool.” – Plato
Oh please, stop. If we’re taught falsehoods in school then why did you go to school to get an anthropology degree?
Persian cuisine is characterized by the unique way of cooking rice with saffron, the meats are subtly spiced, delicate in flavor and appearance, and of course warm Iranian hospitality. That said, you can learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.
You sure can.
LOL! 😂 As if. I need to Photoshop My face on there instead …
… and on these two photos as well.
Robert Sepehr is kind of arrogant for a 93 percenter. Sweetie, I’m the real Indiana Jones who literally flew to Africa to conduct an archaeological excavation for the Ark of the Covenant. Sit your mongrel arse down wannabe!
Related Links:
Occult Secrets Of Vril
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